With reference to the President of South Africa’s address to the nation on Tuesday 15 June 2021 and the ever-increasing positive Covid case numbers, the Executive of CDFA met this afternoon (17 June 2021) and resolved the following:
That the 2021 season is herewith suspended with immediate effect, with the 10th July 2021 tentatively being earmarked as the resumption date.
We further agreed that the only football that will be played under the auspices of CDFA will be the Coke Cup play offs for the senior and U18 divisions.
Furthermore, no friendly matches and/or tournament participation will be allowed during this period.
We undertake to monitor the situation and will keep clubs informed of any developments forthwith.
We express our thanks for your understanding during this very difficult time, a time that calls for extraordinary decisions.
Hoping to have informed you accordingly.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
(Reg. No. 8131)